DPS website home screen click on Handgun Licensing
Next click on Online services
Click continue
under New Users Click APPLY
Fill in all information note make sure to do the following steps … Fill in all information note make sure to do the following steps … *the Date of Birth exactly like the example and *to include you Texas DL audit number click continue
Click apply for license to carry a handgun
Complete the application (sorry no screen shots for this part as I have to be applying for the license to get to these screens) 01 Print the Bar Code check list sheet Click “YES” to schedule fingerprints now (If option is given) (If not given they will send you an email with a link to schedule your Fingerprints) Next steps
The first screen you see will look like one of these two. If it’s the The first screen you see will look like one of these two. If it’s the.. *Top slide put in your zip code *Bottom slide select Texas
Click on-line scheduling 1. Choose the Location Date Time That works for you 2. Pay for your fingerprints 3. Print out your confirmation sheet To take with you.
Submitting documents
Click *first drop down box click *handgun licensing
Click *second drop down box click *submit LTC supporting documents
Fill out form completely Fill out form completely *note you will not have a Handgun license number just leave this blank
Click browse *find your documents that you saved to your computer click on it click open. Do the same for any other documents you need to send in. once all documents are listed *click attach once attached *type in code *click submit form *print thank you page
Congratulations you are done