Educational Standards Chapter 1 Educational Standards
The Needs of the Learner Acceptance and safety (Bronfenbrenner, Maslow) Choice (Differentiation) High expectations and appropriate challenge (Bloom, Marzano, Vygotsky) Opportunity to connect the new to the known (Cognitive) Meaningful engagement (Constructivist) Clarity (Direct Instruction, Task Analysis) Time to reflect (Metacognition) Align assessment
The Needs of Society Measured by High Stakes testing-Acountability Learning Standards North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS)- US National Standards (Note: you will be directed to other websites to retrieve content standards) Measured by High Stakes testing-Acountability
Translating Standards to Instruction Instruction: a purposeful activity with a means to an end. The ends described as goals or objectives. Goals: broad statements of desirable outcomes Objectives: more specific statements of desirable outcome [Given…(condition) the student will … (capability verb) by …(action) . Then criteria. ]