SNC/SCANA – New Build Configuration Management Eric Pace - V.C. Summer - CM Supervisor V.C. Summer 2&3 – Configuration Management Team Alex Thirkell - Vogtle - CIMS Lead Vogtle 3&4 – Configuration Management Team BOTH Introduce ourselves and our roles within our Organizations Don’t spend a lot of time here.
Objectives Provide an update on construction progress for Summer 2&3 and Vogtle 3&4. Provide summary of ongoing efforts with contractor on Configuration Management. Provide an update on Configuration Management system development at both sites. ALEX
ERIC - Use slide to show site layout
ERIC Use slide to talk about recent construction activities, issues, and progress
ALEX Progress as of January 2015. Use to compare against newer pictures.
ALEX Progress as of January 2016. Useful to show the descriptions.
ALEX Current Status. Cooling Tower (U4) – Almost complete Deaerator installed on Turbing Island (U3) Containment rings continued to be installed
Information Turnover Joint Pilot Concluded December 2014 Results of Information Turnover Pilot Information transfer infrastructure Insight into information review and acceptance Insight into Consortium information inventories Contacts within Consortium for Information Turnover Additional actions to be taken BOTH Information Turnover Includes: | For All: Records | - Systems Engineering Documents | - Areas Native Files | - Components Master Equipment List | - Programs Program Data 3D Model ________________________________________________________ Joint Pilot Participants are SCE&G, Southern Company, Westinghouse, and CB&I. The Objectives of the pilot were to identify all consortium information sources, Identify infrastructure and processes required for turnover Record activities and milestones required to support the information turnover and to transfer selected systems, areas and programs from the consortium to each customer Perform an inventory of available consortium information (documents and data) Identify the required utility program information (documents and data) Determine the transfer processes required for turnover of the information from the consortium to the customer The Focus Areas, systems, areas and program evaluated, as part of the pilot scope are: Standard Plant System, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (SFS) Standard Plant System, Non Class IE DC and UPS System (EDS) Site Specific System, Yard Fire Water System (YFS)/Vogtle Only Area, Main Control Room (MCR) Program, MOV Program
Ongoing CM Activities Common Turnover Processes Early Transfer of Records Phased Approach to Information Turnover Information Turnover Pilots Design Authority Transfer BOTH All of this equates to a common Information Turnover Plan/Process
Ongoing CM Activities Releasable, Disclosable, and Deliverable Native Files Calculations As-Built vs As-Designed Master Equipment List & Other Databases Station Equipment Labeling BOTH All of this equates to a common Information Turnover Plan/Process
CMIS Development SmartPlant® Foundation Provides Change Control User Securities Relationship Synchronization Traceability Data Consolidation Over All Engineering Documents, Plant Assets, and Regulatory Requirements ERIC
CMIS Development Milestones Information Turnover Ready – 2nd Quarter 2017 Procedure Development: Sept 2015 (Production) Station Master Equipment List: July 2016 Engineering Documents: July 2016 Information Turnover: December 2016 Design Authority Ready – 4th Quarter 2017 Engineering Change Process: July 2017 Requirements Mgmt & Tracking: September 2017 ERIC
CMIS Development Various Organizational Data Needs… Single Source of Truth ERIC
CMIS Development ERIC
CMIS Development SmartPlant® Foundation The CMIS System Will Improve: CM Principles Process Efficiencies Modification Overhead Engineering Programs Access to Information 3D Model Relationships Data Centralization Document-Tag Cross Referencing Critical Document Electronic Conversion, Centralization, Access Document Centric ERIC Time to Find and Verify Data
Configuration Information Management System CIMS – Vogtle 3&4 Configuration Information Management System ALEX Screenshot of software.
CM Strategy ALEX Establish the Process Implement Look ahead to Design Transfer
Handover/Turnover ALEX Solution Architecture for Handover/Turnover for both Documents and Tags
Object Classification Documents Equipment Requirements Drawings Pumps Design Basis Procedures Valves Safety Rqmts Calculations Switches CFRs ALEX All the objects types that are possible. Correspondence Test Equipment Contracts Invoices Tooling Test Plans
Contextual Mapping ALEX Change Events People Organizations Equipment Documents ALEX Each of these object types can be related to other objects. Distribution Order Projects Requirements
Design Change Process Looks for other affected objects Gathers objects using eB relationships Refine by analyzing candidates ALEX These relationships are ultimately utilized for determining impacts of the design change process.
Change and Configuration Management in eB Requirements What must be there What is there What we say is there ALEX All of this is done to ensure proper Configuration Management. Closed-loop Change Process Data and Documents Items
Efforts to Date Handover Process Master Equipment List (MEL) Process now well Established Requested – 100,000+ documents Received – 90,000+ documents Future: Full Synchronizing with Site Data Center Master Equipment List (MEL) 60,000+ tags loaded to date WEC, CB&I, and SNC MEL Development Team (MDT) Subcomponent Review Board (SRB) ALEX
Questions ERIC Eric Pace – Alex Thirkell –