Method to change panel selection in MST181 chassis


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Presentation transcript:

Method to change panel selection in MST181 chassis Method to change panel selection in MST181 chassis. •Purpose : To minimize the stock defective % in 181 chassis. •Reason : As 19” panel resolution is different (1440 X 900) chassis can not switch on if panel selection stored in e2p is of any HD ( 1366 X 768) panel. Because of this service technician send back chassis as stock defective. •Scope: 181 chassis. •Extent : Nearly 10% ~ 15% chassis is return to CWH because of wrong panel selection in chassis. •Method : → Load the software dated 01.03.2012 through USB. → Switch on the chassis. No need to connect panel. If you connect panel and dispay is not coming then also ok. → Press [source] [8] [5] [3] [2] [1] [0] [x] [x] → XX value is to be taken from excel sheet attched. → If you connect 181 chassis to 19” panel and if there is no display then after switch on Press [source] [8] [5] [3] [2] [1] [0] [0] [8] → LED will start blinking and after some time chassis will reboot i.e restart and panel selection is change to 19”. You will be able to see the picture. → Similar is the case if chassis is having 19” panel selection and if you connect to HD panel then there will not be picture. You can change panel selection as per your choice with propere XX value.