The Spanish Horses Of Corolla, NC By: Kevin Trapp
I was observing the Spanish horses of Corova, NC The time and date I observed these animals on August 30, 2009 from one o’clock till about one forty-five These horses where observed in Corova, NC The habitat was humid, heavily forested in some parts, sandy, windy, grassy enough for them to feed on, and hilly in the sand dunes
Two horses grazing by the back roads of Corova.
Five horses traveling in a group for maximum safety on the dunes.
A Filly feeding in between to elder horses for safety.
A horse galloping through some lightly forested grounds.
A symbiotic relationship between an egret and a horse where the egret feeds on the bugs for food and the horse gets the bugs off of her.
What I have learned during this observation is that the wild horses are somewhat aggressive. When they have a foal in the group they will assertively protect it which means humans have to stay at a distance. Also when a foal is not In their presence they are fond to humans and I was able to feed and stand close to them.