Blackout poetry is a form of "found" poetry that allows the poet to use someone else's words to write a poem.
Using a page of a classic book, you are going to write a poem. Your poem can be about any feelings or images that come to mind, once you scan the key words of the page.
Subtraction” (Austin Kloen). “Creativity Is Subtraction” (Austin Kloen).
How to Make a Blackout Poem Step #1 Do not read every word on your page. Instead, SCAN the page for key, anchor words that jump out at you!
Step #2
Step #3
Step #4
Create art using markers and blacking out certain parts of the text! Step #5
Step 1: Scan the page to look for key words. Step 5: Make your Blackout Poem visually appealing, as they will be displayed outside the classroom. Step 2: Use pencil to underline words you might to use Step 6: Give your poem a title. Turn it into the tray! Step 3: Next, circle words that you definitely want to use Step 4: Use a marker to black out all of the other words