Accountability & Quality Update All ACCESS ELLs 2.0 /Alternate ACCESS March 23rd –deadline to return all testing materials March 24th- LeGrand will pack and return materials to WIDA/DRC Disclaimer Statement-Data is NOT official until printed on NCDPI ISR paper OR an email certification from DPI. Spring/EOY Roster Verification- Preview-April 11-22 Teacher Verification- April 23-May 20 School Verification- May 21-June 3 District Verification-June 4-30 Homebound Students When a teacher of record (PowerSchool) is NOT the homebound teacher, the Teacher of Record claims 50% of instruction and Homebound Teacher claims 0%. The student is under claimed. If the homebound teacher is the teacher of record, the teacher should claim 100% of instruction or per PowerSchool enrollment. OCS/NCVPS course taught jointly require the OCS teacher to claim 50% of the instructional assignment. Test plan review session- May 11th -20th (1 hour) Required-Principal, school-level testing assistant, school-level TC ( Dunn/Leake) and LeGrand Elementary/Middle EOG/Extend I 3-8 Training-April 28th, 9:00 AM-Noon Test Plans Due- May 12th, at noon Testing Window-May 26-June 9 Preliminary Spring Test Schedule Work Session High EOC/NCFE/CTE/Extend I Grade 10 Training- April 28th, 1 PM- 4 PM Test Plans Due-May 19th, at noon Testing Window- June 3-June 9