Integrated management of LAU based territorial classifications Valeriya Angelova Eurostat Unit E4 WG Regional, urban and rural development statistics 17 and 18 October 2017, Luxembourg
Content Evolution of the ideas for management of the LAU lists Overview of the LAU based territorial classifications An initiative for an easy solution for the 2018 LAU lists onwards
History of the LAU management 1989-2009 NPS Eurostat created LAU codes by using a special application – Nomenclature Preparation System Originally used in External Trade Statistics Needs CONC/MODA files as an input (provided by the NSIs) Continuous data about the LAU nomenclature including predecessor and successor
CONC/MODA file format CONC (concordance) is a file that links the old situation of the LAU to its new situation MODA (modification) contains all LAUs that have been modified in some way; the type of modification is indicated A transfer of a small area between two LAU which both continue to exist after the modification involves closing both original units and then opening them after the change
Example for CONC/MODA file format country 'MODA' year national code month day 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' label LU MODA 1992 11001 10 28 D LUXEMBOURG 40001 A 12001 STRASSEN 41001 country CONC year national code before change national code after change month day national code of NUTS III or IV label of NUTS III or IV LU 1992 11001 40001 10 28 40 LUXEMBOURG 41001 41 STRASSEN 12001 Example for management of small territorial transfers where upper levels are affected. NUTS 4 existing at that time – equal to LAU 1. The example shows how a LAU 2 change affected the former NUTS 4 level. A minor exchange of territory between LUXEMBOURG (11001) and STRASSEN (12001) has taken place, LUXEMBOURG and STRASSEN being parts of different NUTS IV regions. Two different plots of land were transferred in opposite directions across the NUTS IV boundary. MODA file: line one and three show that the predecessor regions, LUXEMBOURG and STRASSEN have changed. They were opened or assigned with new codes but identical name (line two and four). New NUTS codes are assigned by Eurostat. The CONC file: the communes of LUXEMBOURG (line one) and STRASSEN (line three) remain with a new code. Lines two and four indicate that a part of the commune of LUXEMBOURG (predecessor) moved to the commune of STRASSEN (successor) (line two), while a move of territory took place from STRASSEN to LUXEMBOURG (line four).
SIRE – Infra-regional statistical system of Europe The 2001 Census hub - validation and upload of Census data Annual snapshots of the LAU situation with NUTS and national code correspondences (like the EBM data) Operated with CONC/MODA format
'In-house' LAU-management tool …Many countries were not able to deliver reliable data in the complicated structure of CONC/MODA A half of the countries provided the information on the LAU changes in different formats including emails and publications and Eurostat had to create the CONC/MODA manually.
The LMT was developed to make it possible to: trace each LAU indicate what kind of change has happened and when extract SDMX file be usable for the EU Census Hub or any other SDMX based application by Eurostat or by the NSIs
Results of the assessment of the tool History tracking was too complicated Not flexible/powerful enough The need of data fields on LAU based typologies, area and population were not implemented Other similar projects run in parallel – the LAU life cycle, WebIlse (reformed to the TERCET tool).
From 2010 to 2017 no long-term solution After the CONC/MODA none of the developed applications became operational The LAU-based territorial classifications remained out of the scope of the LAU lists Eurostat and the NSIs had difficulties to ensure the match between the city list and DEGURBA (code 1)
LAU based territorial classifications – an overview
A new transmission format to be used for 2018 LAU lists onwards contains following columns Standard LAU lists data Correspondence to the NUTS 3 code LAU code LAU name national LAU name Latin Change (yes/no) Population Total area Typologies related data DEGURBA Coastal (yes/no) If applicable: City code City name Greater City code Grater City name FUA code FUA name Use as a key
So it would look like this: Current LAU list: Future LAU list:
Timing - 30.06. Provision of LAU list as governed in the NUTS Regulation - 30.07. Eurostat validates data and computes typology data where missing - 30.09. MSs validate final lists (particularly those MSs with data filled by Eurostat) - 31.12. Publication of LAU list as governed by the NUTS Regulation
Main principles of the future LAU management Keep it simple for both NSIs and Eurostat Keep it as an annual snapshot (1 January) Excel files via e-Damis Always managed together with the LAU based typologies integrating correspondence tables Eurostat validates the LAU lists sent by the NSIs If a NSI do not provide the typology related data, Eurostat produces them based on the latest official EBM version The NSIs validate the typology related data Eurostat publishes the LAU list The rules for the annual update of DEGURBA and coastal areas are already established and the rules for coding of city statistics spatial units are available and already well known at the NSIs.
Advantages Disadvantages All LAU-based typology will be consistent and will refer to the same year All related geographic datasets and layers can be updated with no time gap This approach will make sure that the NSIs and Eurostat/the Commission are using the same classifications It is TERCET compliant The EBM becomes available t+1 => to guarantee consistency, preferably the NSIs produce the typologies related data This approach doesn't allow tracking the history of the LAU changes
Implementation of the annual LAU lists Coastal areas Cities DEGURBA Tourism statistics City statistics Social surveys
Thank you for your attention! Any further comments are welcome! Do you have better ideas? Contact:, E4