DING CONGJIN LU GUICHI 21-07-2017 MARSEILLE The auger experiment DING CONGJIN LU GUICHI 21-07-2017 MARSEILLE Good afternoon, I am Luguichi. Our experiment is The auger experiment. I will introduce you the first part and My partner Dingcongjin, will continue in the second part.
OBJECTIVE Pierre Auger performed measurements of the cosmic ray showers Reproduce Auger’s experiment using the plastic scintillator detectors of cosmo-detector CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
detector The scintillator The photomultiplier (PMT) Data acquisition board (DAQ) scintillator photomultiplier CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Detecting principle Identify muons (cosmic ray) from the background (thermal noise, environmental radioactivity) by counting the coincidence Using a coincidence time window of 100 ns guaranties to select signal from muons CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Random coincidence rate R12 = n1n2T n: background event rate T: coincident time windows The random coincidence rate can be ignored! CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Part 1: determine the efficiency C12 = R_mu * Eff1 * Eff2 * Delta_Omega C123 = R_mu * Eff1 * Eff2 * Eff3 * Delta_Omega Eff3 = C123 / C12 CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Part 1: determine the efficiency CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Part 2 cosmic ray rate versus distance Perform measurements of coincidence rate of two detectors at different distances (0-2m) to study the later distribution of the cosmic shower CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Part 2 cosmic ray rate versus distance CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Part 2 cosmic ray rate versus distance Extend measurements using e-Péron data from the Pic du Midi Observatory 9 detectors at different distances Choose a normalisation point to normalize the data CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
results Distance uncertainty Statistical uncertainty CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
conclusion The density of cosmic ray decreases from center to edge Fitting the expectation of cosmic ray shower Auger experiment has been reproduced successfully CPPM, Marseille 2018/12/8
Thank you for your attention Questions welcomed