Report of the Treasurer From Jack Householder AIDC 100 Annual Meeting Orlando April 3, 2012
AIDC 100 Financial Protection Still No Investment in Bank Stocks, etc. Assets Held in Cash or Cash Equivalent Consideration Given to Alternatives No Recommendations at This Stage $235K endowment includes $61K unrealized principle subject to market fluxuations
Current Account Balances Oct. 2005 $11,499 Oct. 2006 $17,664 Oct. 2008 $35,671 Apr. 2009 $33,061 Nov. 2010 $36,327 Sep. 2011 $41,772 Apr. 2012 as of Mar. 31st (*) $38,033 Checking $8,709.02 Money Market $28,470.64 PayPal $853.42 *Before Dinner @ RFID Journal Live
Name Changes Since Nov. 2010 Wells Fargo (Wachovia) Account in (PA) Somewhat Confusing Conversion to W.F. PayPal Account – Linked Once Amt. > $1,000; Xfer to Bank Acct. AIDC 100 Members w/Access David Allais Jack Householder
AIDC Library $200K Endowment October 2004 $207K Endowment October 2005 $252K Endowment ($73K Available) $ 5K Current Expense Budget $235K endowment includes $61K unrealized principle subject to market fluxuations
Lifetime Membership Summary Totals Thru Mar. 2012 Are 32 Members ($24,000) Bonney Shuman Rick Bushnell George Wright IV Kevin Sharp Glenn Spitz Ynjiun Wang John Paxton Harry Knowles Vick Verma Bjorn Passad Mike Hone Mark Marriott Pat King Brian Marcel Mike Guillory Chris Hook Bob Fox Jack Householder Rick Fox Mike Lowry Alfonzo Gutierrez David Collins Dan Engels Joe Dunlap Harry Clark Chuck Biss Ernesto Castagnet David Allais Mike Baur Rich Bravman Sprague Ackley Tina Barken 2 7 5 8 3 2012 YTD 2009/2010/2011 2008 2007 2006 2005 AIDC 100 Lifetime Membership Annual Summary
AIDC 100 Educational Focus 2011 Meeting Agenda Item Decision Made to Support OU AIDC TI $1,000 Payment Made to 2011 Program (2) AIDC 100 Members Donated Funds Thank You Received from Kevin Berisso Extended Report / Video Clip Provided Full Report to be Posted at Website Recommend Same Decision for 2012
Report of the Treasurer From Jack Householder AIDC 100 Annual Meeting Orlando April 3, 2012