Mandala Autobiography
Autobiography an account of a person's life written by that person.
Mandala A mandala is a wondrous and meaningful design made in the form of a circle. These special drawings traditionally displayed highly intricate illustrations of religious significance and were used for meditation. Since then, mandalas have become a tool for displaying individual and cultural uniqueness in the world over. A simple definition of the mandala is that it is a circular drawing made to represent the harmony and wholeness of life or the wholeness of a person. Tibetans used mandalas for calming themselves and for thinking about the meaning of life. Today, people often create mandalas to form a simple representation of who they are. To make a mandala, a person begins by thinking of symbols that represent him or her. These symbols might include a dove to represent peace, a heart to represent love, or an open hand to represent friendship. The symbols a person chooses are then carefully drawn in the mandala.
Assignment: Mandala Autobiography For this assignment, you will be writing 5 paragraphs. Each one will have a different topic and be 3-5 paragraphs: Family Friends Favorite/likes Your school What makes you unique/what makes you who you are (If you would like to substitute one of these topics for something else, just ask! I am open to ideas!) Once you have written your paragraphs, you will create a mandala. You need to come up with a symbol for each of the 5 topics. Finally, you will take those symbols and create a mandala that represents who you are. You can add words and phrases from your paragraphs as well!