Agenda (for me) Poetry: Who’s for the Game? Recap/Revisit last 2 days Review SAT Practice answers Discuss Declaration of the Rights of the Child ATSS Chaps 10-15 (catch up with all the chaps. 4-15) inference activity / discussion questions *Short Story Work – Drafting thesis statements HW: Bring a hard copy of your short story to class tomorrow
Reminders – 10-24-18 Keep up with your reading schedule…when are your next chapters due? Chaps. 10-15 due today Chaps. 16-20 due Friday You should have your ATSS novel AND your short story with you every day! HW: “Who’s for the Game”
Poetry Analysis Practice “Who’s for the Game?” (Companion analysis to Dulce)
Revisit Review SAT Practice answers Discuss Declaration of the Rights of the Child
ATSS – Discussion Generator Inference Frame: Complete the following frame about your reading. “The part where . . . may mean that . . . because . . . .” Share/Discuss
ATSS – Discussion Questions The beginning of Mariam’s marriage to Rasheed seems to promise happiness. What are signs that this may be short lived? How does Rasheed feel about the westernization of Afghanistan? What shows his ambivalence? What are Rasheed’s reasons for making Mariam wear a burqa and what do they tell us about his ideas about his role as a husband and man and his expectations for Mariam? Mariam learns some of her husband’s history when she looks inside the drawers in his room. Why does she rationalize about what she sees? Why does Rasheed want a boy? How might life have been different for the family if Mariam could have had a baby? Why does Rasheed become abusive?
Short Story List: Who’s doing what story? Annotating continued/Draft thesis
Short Story Analysis – Start Here What is the underlying or intentional message the author hoped to communicate? Who are the characters – not just on the outside – who are they really? Why did the author choose to use specific literary devices in the specific ways they were used?