How to use Eliza with 64-bit Windows 7 and Window 8
I have saved my Eliza program folder in F: drive I have saved my Eliza program folder in F: drive. I try double click to open it.
I got this error on 64-bit Window 7system.
I download DOSBox from Download Section.
Install DOSBox Download DOSBox from LMS Extract any where and Install.. DOSBox installation is very easy…the installation wizard will guide you step by step…just click next…next…
This is DOSBox Shortcut. Double click on it to open DOSBox.
As we have saved Eliza program F: Drive, so we need to mount our system F: drive
This is command to mount our system F: drive as DOSBox C: drive
Our system F: drive is mounted successfully. Now we need to move into C: drive by typing C: (press Enter)
We have moved into C: drive. Now to go inside Eliza folder, we type cd Eliza Next, we have to open ECCELIZA program, just type ECCELIZA.exe (press Enter)
Press any key to continue.
Let DOSBox finish some internal settings for the Eliza program
Let DOSBox finish some internal settings for the Eliza program…
Internal settings completed…Press any key to continue
Program ask my name, I simply typed “Ali” and hit enter key
Our conversation has begun…I ask “How are you?” Eliza replied: “THANKS, ALRIGHT”
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