Figure 2.1 Illustration of a simple binary counting application.
Figure 2.2 Example of inverters used to obtain the 1’s complement of a binary number.
Figure 2.3 Example of obtaining the 2’s complement of a negative binary number.
Figure 2.4 Getting the 2’s complement of a hexadecimal number, Method 1.
Figure 2.5 Getting the 2’s complement of a hexadecimal number, Method 2.
Figure 2.6 Getting the 2’s complement of a hexadecimal number, Method 3.
Figure 2.7 A simplified illustration of how the Gray code solves the error problem in shaft position encoders. Three bits are shown to illustrate the concept, although most shaft encoders use more than 10 bits to achieve a higher resolution.
Figure 2.8 The CRC process.