I AM Canadian I AM Canadian Commercial – look at lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRI-A3vakVg Russell Peters –Comedy Act on How to be a “Canadian citizen” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOm-15621bs
What does it mean to be Canadian?
We will be formulating an answer to this by looking at a few different factors: Age Education Income Ethnicity Language (mother tongue, your 1st language)
AGE -age is a term used to describe how long something has existed -in the human world, we place A LOT of control on age Examples Include: School age Age to drive, to vote, to drink Age of consent Age of retirement Ask students to think of ways age controls the things we do
AGE -average age is one indicator used extensively when describing a country -we can roughly gauge average age through the use of Population Pyramids -these graphs helps us see the percentages of young and old and where the country’s age is concentrated -these numbers also help us see trends for the future Ask students to think of ways age controls the things we do 6
How has Canada’s population changed over the last 100 years? http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/as-sa/97-551/vignettes/cda06pymd.swf Click graph to link to moving graph Canada’s population is seeing an aging trend. What do you think is the average age of a Canadian? -40.1 years old
This aging trend is expected to continue http://www.footwork.com/pyramids.asp
Canada’s Population Growth in the Future
Age Predictions for the Future? In the near future, the number of 65 + year old Canadians will surpass the number of 15 and under group According to the 2006 Census, the 65-and-over population made up a record 13.7% of the total population of Canada in 2006. The proportion of the under-15 population fell to 17.7%, its lowest level ever.
This aging trend is not just a problem in Canada, but in most developed countries. Why are we seeing this problem? Decrease in fertility Increase in life expectancy USA But we are seeing the opposite problem in developing countries, trending towards young Why are we seeing this problem? Poverty HIV/AIDS Nigeria, Africa
EDUCATION Education in Canada is a fundamental right. So just how are we educated in this country? Level of Education Attainment (Age 25-64), 2001 Without High School High School (OSSD) Trade Certificate College Diploma University Degree Total Canada 3 698 235 3 898 405 2 097 140 2 917 895 3 676 630 16 288 310 Per Cent 100 23 24 13 18 23 So how much education does the avg CDN have? Without High School 23% OSSD 24% Trade Certificate 13% University Degree 23% College Diploma 18%
INCOME We now know that a good education will help you get a good job. But for females, it doesn’t seem to matter. Even today, women are paid on average less than males. Year Earnings (Yearly in dollars) Women Men 1997 24 300 39 300 1998 25 400 40 400 1999 25 800 41 200 2000 26 300 42 500 2001 26 400 42 400 2002 26 700 2003 41 900 2004 42 100 2005 27 300 42 700 2006 27 700 42 900
INCOME So what are some possible reason for this difference? Types of jobs Women as mothers More big paying companies run by males
Ethnicity in Canada: Tim Hortons Coffee Commercial – Welcome to Canada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4hnQs0w_LU Connection to Ethnicity
Ethnicity whereas The USA is considered to be a melting pot. Canada has been called a “cultural mosaic.” whereas The USA is considered to be a melting pot. We are like a salad bowl – a mix of cultures, ethnicities and religions. A mix of people from all walks of life. We embrace cultures and do not force their assimilation into previously held belief systems. Unlike other countries we are proud of our differences and do not force people be alike. Instead we champion multiculturalism to create a unique Canadiana.
LANGUAGE -English -French -French and English -Other What can we now say about language and the mother tongue of Canada? - In Canada, many people speak other languages besides English and French. There are languages from all over the world – that’s what makes Canada unique. - Besides English, Ontarians speak Italian, Chinese, Cantonese (south China), Punjabi (India and Pakistan), Portuguese, German and Spanish the most.
Ethnicity and Immigration in Canada Complete the following handout on changes in immigration in Canada
Who is the average Canadian? So can you answer the question: Who is the average Canadian? Is it an easy question to answer? Will this answer change in the future?