Two worldviews One speaks of duty Other speaks of license One says man is amenable to God, therefore obligated to keep His commandments Other says man is completely autonomous & free to do as he wishes One is predicated on truth – Hebrews 9:27 Other on the basis that man’s physical existence is all there is - 1 Corinthians 15:32 One represents a Biblical Worldview Other exemplifies atheistic of humanistic worldview
WHICH WORLDVIEW IS RIGHT? Is there really a God, Supreme Being, Creator? Is man just physical, or does he have a spiritual dimension? Is there life beyond the grave? Are heaven and hell factual, or simply figments of deluded minds? Does life have meaning & purpose, or is man a chance collection of atoms with no reason for being?
The BIBLICAL worldview Pictures time as the arena in which God and His judgments meet the obedience or rebellion of man.
RELATIVISTIC VIEW OF TIME DEFINE HISTORY AS A “CLOSED SYSTEM” “ruled by destiny, the inescapable fate.” History is important but not a god to be worshiped. Humanists bow in worshipful obeisance to history – the only true absolute This worldview is causing our Constitution to be interpreted by jurists who believe law to be nothing more that the sentiments of the moment
RELATIVISTIC VIEW OF TIME DEFINE HISTORY AS A “CLOSED SYSTEM” Discovered capital punishment unconstitutional “Right” to abortion found constitutional Homosexuality a “viable alternate lifestyle” This ought not to be!
EVERY DAY SOCIETY ENFORCES SOME NEW SENTIMENT Family being redefined “A relic of the past and must be eliminated in favor of something more modern.” “The family is in an unstable, transitional phase as it struggles in a time of flux to break out of the ancient tribal system…”
THESE TRENDS ARE DISTURBING TO THE BIBLE BELIEVER “Can we really do anything about them?” “You can’t turn back the clock,” or “You’re just going to have to learn to adapt to the times.” To them values of the past represent archaic thinking, while current trends are identified a modern thinking 2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11
SPACE METAPHOR If one were attempting to follow a road to a desired destination and came to a detour in the road, and upon taking the detour found himself up to his neck in muck and mire, but because he believed “One can't turn back the clock,” he continued on until he disappeared under the ooze and slime, we would certainly think that person a fool.
WHAT IS THE POINT? America has taken a detour & become bogged down in the muck & mire of Hedonism, Materialism, and Humanism We must understand the spiritual & religious aspects of the current problem Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 “Fear God and keep his commandments….the whole duty of man”
BIBLE BELIEVERS MUST: Out-think Out-live Out-die The Pagans!
CHRISTIANS ARE TO DEMOLISH EVERY ARGUMENT & THOUGHT THAT ARRAYS ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 2 Corinthians 10:5 IF our thinking is sloppy & shallow or actions will display the same character If our minds are fragmented & disjointed, our life will probably be the same If our thinking is full of errors, many of our actions are going to be wrong! Proverbs 23:7
MAN IS NOT GOD He did not create himself He did write the laws of his being Nevertheless – men and women do make themselves Must begin to discover who we are and what we may become There is real meaning to life We determine where we will spend eternity
HONORING GOD AND KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS This is the point of it all! This is the meaning of life! Colossians 2:8