Availability of extra Training and Consultancy services Paper for consideration ‘CBSC16-11’ Chartwise Training Limited Director – Keith Swan Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Introduction Chartwsie Training has the capability to support the IHO CB strategy We are able to fill gaps, where appropriate, in a timely manner Our specialism is the nautical cartographic field (CB Plan Phase 3) Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Overview of services Training: Foundation courses in ENC (and Paper Chart) production Advanced Courses – to same level as Category ‘B’ Cartography recognition On the job training Training For Trainers (TFT) – a speciality of the Director Consultancy specialists: QC/QA systems – in line with ISO9001 standard S57 Capture/encoding policy guidance Training for Trainers is a speciality of the Director Keith Swan. When working at the UKHO Keith designed, developed and delivered, (with Chris Thorne) the first TFT for the EAHC in 2013. Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Scope We have access to trainers and consultants who possess a variety of skills We are able to deliver in collaboration with other HOs or industry We offer a no obligation TNA or CPA We have developed comprehensive and easy to follow questionnaires (you can see an example in the paper Annex B) We offer a post course cost benefits analysis TNA Training Needs Analysis ( I guess you knew that!) CPA Consultancy Package Analysis (maybe you also knew this too!?) Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Blended / e-learning Chartwise Training is working to make greater use of e-learning In collaboration with IMarEST we are developing a blended learning package Currently we are developing blended learning modules for an Introduction to ENC production course. IMarEST have agreed to critique these modules Cross ref papers: CBSC14-06G and CBSC15-07C Alberto - FYI – Since I submitted the paper I spoke to David Loosely (CEO) and Charlotte Lord (Comms Director) IMarEST, so I am in the process of developing some new ideas for the whole blended ENC foundation course. I Have details available if anyone is interested in knowing more. I haven’t approached SHOM because IMarEST have agreed to help in the way I was hoping for. Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Potential impact Training and Consultancy could be available at short notice Developing cartographers could receive training in a more timely manner Upfront TNA and CPA could be conducted at no cost to IHO, HOs or industry Cost Benefits Analysis may be conducted post course Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd Recommendations 1. To recognise Chartwise Training has CB training resource 2. To encourage MSs, HCs and CB Co-ordinators to engage with Chartwise Training Chartwise Training Ltd
Chartwise Training Ltd THANK YOU Chartwise Training Ltd
More information Web site: www.chartwisetraining.com Email: info@chartwisetraining.com Tel: +27 66 068 7353 Acquire the knowledge Chartwise Training Ltd