Where it Comes From and Where it is Going. Satisfaction Where it Comes From and Where it is Going.
Total Quality Management Involving Top Management Conducting a Marketing Audit Focusing on Customer Satisfaction Working Toward Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement Planning Doing Checking Acting
Focusing on Customer Satisfaction Added Value Obtaining Customer Feedback Measuring Customer Satisfaction Reducing Cycle Time Reducing Variation
TQM Product Strategy Distribution Strategy Promotional Strategy Pricing Strategy
A Model of Customer Satisfaction Expectations Performance Confirmation Disconfirmation Positive Negative
Why is Customer Satisfaction Important? Building Relationships Building Trust Positive Affect & Decision making WOM
Complaining Passive Discontent Direct Complaining Guerilla Warfare The “Hostiles”
Satisfaction Over the Long Term Does satisfaction remain the same? What can cause changes in customer satisfaction over time? Does satisfaction always lead to product repurchase? What is the relationship between brand loyalty and satisfaction? What are the causes of dissatisfaction?