Advancing PrEP in Family Planning Clinics: What will it take? March 14, 2018 @getSFcba
Visit: Email: Call: 415.437.6226 Gary Najarian, M.S.W. Manager, Capacity Building Initiatives SFDPH, Center for Learning and Innovation If you’re interested in finding out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You’re seeing the contact info for Gary Najarian who is the program manager for our CBA program. As I mentioned, here in San Francisco, we’re funded to provide CBA to health departments. However, if you are a CBO or a healthcare organization, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll gladly put you in touch with organizations within our CBA network who can support your HIV prevention efforts.
Housekeeping Have questions during the webinar? Type them in the chat box! Did you have a chance to complete the HPAT? If not, please do so via link in chat box! If yes, great! Sit back and enjoy the webinar! Please be sure to complete the evaluation at the end of the webinar! We love all feedback. A few housekeeping notes: If you have questions during the webinar, please feel free to send them to us via the chat box option. If you haven't had a chance to complete the HPAT, we kindly request that you do so now. You can find a link to the online form in the chat box. At the end of the webinar, you’ll get a brief evaluation. We’d love it if you would take a few moments to offer your feedback. It’s truly important for us to hear from you about your webinar experiences so we can be sure to continue practices that work and improve what needs improving. We also want to mention that you can and should follow us on Twitter. We will be live-tweeting today’s webinar under the hashtag HIVPlanTogether.
Poll Question: What type of organization do you work for? Before we jump into today’s webinar, we’d like to ask you a question to get a better sense of our audience today. If you wouldn’t mind completing the poll, we’d appreciate it. (give people ~20 seconds to complete poll; then share results and provide brief overview) It looks like we have…
Poll Question: How would you rate your current level of knowledge about PrEP? Before we jump into today’s webinar, we’d like to ask you a question to get a better sense of our audience today. If you wouldn’t mind completing the poll, we’d appreciate it. (give people ~20 seconds to complete poll; then share results and provide brief overview) It looks like we have…