Terms--Christianity Cults (Cult of Isis, Mithra, Sol Invictus) Apostolic Succession Septuagint Paul of Tarsus Pharisees Sadducees Heresies Gnosticism Arianism Constantine (r. 306 – 337) Edict of Milan (313) Council of Nicea (325) – Nicene Creed
Four Phases 1. Life & times of Jesus 2. Formation of the Church 3. Christianity & the Church spread 4. Christianity & Roman world become one
Mystery Cults/Religions Cult of Isis Cult of Mithra Cult of Sol Invictus
Apostolic Succession Message of Jesus was transmitted from Jesus to the disciples and then on to other members of the Christian community, throughout the generations, forming a living chain of the word of God
The Septuagint A pre-Christian Greek version of the Jewish Scriptures edited by Jewish scholars & adopted by Greek- speaking Christians
Paul of Tarsus Missionary activities Helped transform Christianity into a world religion Was a Pharisee Conversion experience
Paul (Saul) of Tarsus
Early Christianity—Hard to Understand First Christians continued with Jewish practices (i.e. Dietary prohibitions, etc.) Hard for non-Jews to comprehend
Paul of Tarsus Removed Jewish practices Made it easier for non-Jews to understand Said: “All you have to do is believe in & follow Jesus” Result: More converts
Heresies Losing ideas in doctrinal battles Two major heresies: Gnosticism Arianism
Gnosticism Belief in hidden or ‘secret’ knowledge Demiurge (deity subordinate to the ultimate Creator of the universe) Goal: discover the ‘secret’ knowledge—will lead to salvation
Arianism Revolved around the nature of Jesus Since He was mortal & the Son of God, was he less divine than God? Founded by Arius in 4th century
Martyrs Willing to die for their faith Believed God would protect them Looked forward to the Kingdom of Heaven
Martyrs “The Church was built on the blood of the martyrs”
Constantine Heading into Battle—312 A.D.
Edict of Milan (313 A.D.) Emperor Constantine Legalized Christianity in Roman Empire Returned confiscated property to Christians Put Christianity on the same level as Roman religions Allows it to grow and flourish
Council of Nicea (325) “It’s the Father AND the Son” Nicene Creed