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Chapter 17 The Urinary System
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KIDNEYS Location—under back muscles, behind parietal peritoneum, just above waistline; right kidney usually a little lower than left (Figure 17-1) Internal structure (Figure 17-2) Cortex—outer layer of kidney substance Medulla—inner portion of kidney Pyramids—triangular divisions of medulla Papilla—narrow, innermost end of pyramid Pelvis—expansion of upper end of ureter; lies inside kidney Calyces—divisions of renal pelvis Slide 4
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KIDNEYS Microscopic structure—nephrons are microscopic units of kidneys; consist of (Figure 17-3): Renal corpuscle Bowman’s capsule—the cup-shaped top Glomerulus—network of blood capillaries surrounded by Bowman’s capsule Renal tubule Proximal convoluted tubule—first segment Loop of Henle—extension of proximal tubule; consists of descending limb, loop, and ascending limb Distal convoluted tubule—extension of ascending limb of loop of Henle Collecting tubule—straight extension of distal tubule Slide 9
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