English Department Chairs April 2015
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hink-Pinks Hinkie-Pinkies Hinkety-Pinketies A superior bird home?
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hink-Pinks Produce the Vernal Equinox
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hink-Pinks Compost bin for flowers Bloom Tomb
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Mutton-ous Chicanery? Hink-Pinks Lamb Scam
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hinkie-Pinkies Young feline in love?
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hinkie-Pinkies Enticing spring gardening aroma Manure allure
Literacy-Rich Warm-Up Challenge Hinkety-Pinketies The first time that somebody thought up the Easter Bunny for kids Deception Conception
Rigorous Silliness CCSS L.3- Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts CCSS L.4 -Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases …choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. CCSS L.5-Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. CCSS L. 6-Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level CCSS R.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone Indirect vocabulary acquisition: vernal equinox, tomb, feline, conception, deception, Also: coined word: mutton-ous Also: graphemes – lamb/scam bloom/tomb Nuance: compost bin = tomb = diff connotations Tier 2 words – chicanery
Department management
CMAPP Redesign New courses English 1 English I H Reading Competency Integrated Reading New courses Honors African American Literature Honors Cultural Media Literacy 50 courses in ELA. Will have to phase in redesign of other courses. Opportunity for PLT collaboration using current available resources.
NCFE Waiver WCPSS Waiver Request pending May State Board action Most likely— NO NCFEs this spring PLT Common Exams CCSS 4 strands Aligned with Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Balanced Assessment 4 C’s Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Communication Collaboration Need help? Contact me!
English II PLT Performance Tasks Data Discussion April 28– CR2 3:30 Vision 2020 Balanced Assessments Performance Tasks K-12, cross curricular English II Benchmarks English I focus next year Data Discussion April 28– CR2 3:30 EOC Specifications and Information NC DPI website/Accountability Services Test Specifications Online Delivery Student Preparation Released Forms
Instructional leadership
Clare Freed, AHS Geoff Belcher, WFHS Action Research for Rigorous and Relevant Instruction Geoff Belcher, WFHS Vertical Alignment for Rigorous Instruction 9-12
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