FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS <Dhammacakkappavattanasuttam> SUFFERING (Imperfections) ORIGIN OF SUFFERING (Cause) CESSATION (letting go) PATH: Noble Eightfold paths
ROOT CAUSE RECOGNIZE WHAT IS SUFFERING FIRST (meditation/discipline/study/obstacles) RECOGNIZE WHAT IS RESULT 果(neutral) RECOGNIZE WHAT IS CAUSE 因 (+/-) Does personal unhappiness mean suffering? Unhappiness is the result – many times due to unwholesome mind. CAUSE – WHOLESOME & UNWHOLESOME
Many factors + many forces = many causes (success); 1 cause (failure) BEGINNING External Factors Internal Forces Many factors + many forces = many causes (success); 1 cause (failure)
Beginning Internal Force - Strong Parami The Buddha - Wholesome Minds* Holy People Practising Beings Human Born human - Strong Parami - Wholesome Minds* - jhana - Meritorius deeds - Harmlessness (intelligence, training, discipline, experience etc)
BBeginning External Factors Kamma Gender, Appearance Intelligence, health etc Family, Environment (politics, education, etc) - Weather - Food - Other persons Internal Force Consciousness
Beginning Guard 6 sense doors Know who you are – Where do you come from? Why are you here? Where are you going? “Cause” cannot be found from judging, neither can you judge yourself... Defiled minds see all things unclear “Apathy” is NOT equanimity.
MIDDLE External Factors? Internal Forces? Man Made Disasters....2001 - 2014 Newspapers …. Natural Disasters... 2004, 2011 Documentary: China Pollution
END Birth – Cause of rebirth Rupa : Temperature, Nutriment, Kamma, Consciousness Attachments Unwholesome: 2 or 1 (eg. Greed+ wrong view / Anger / ignorance ) akusla sadharana cetasika = 4 Wholesome: 2 or 1 ( Piti & Wisdom/ Piti / Wisdom / Equanimity) + Right Speech / Karuna etc sobhana sadharana cetasika = 19
Right Speech/ Right Action/ Right Speech & Right Action/ Karuna / Mudita / Panna
Sloth / Torpor