DESTINY Noun Definition: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
Epic Noun Definition: a long poem narrating the adventures of heroic or legendary figures
Integrity Noun Definition: the quality of being honest and fair
Scowl Noun Definition: an expression on someone's face that shows anger or disapproval
Vulnerable Verb Definition: easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally
Usurp Verb Definition: to take and keep something in a forceful way without the right to do so
Cower Verb Definition: to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid
Feat Noun Definition: an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill
Fiend Noun Definition: a very evil or cruel person
Malevolent Adjective Definition: having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person
sneer Verb Definition: to smile or laugh at someone with an expression that shows dislike and a lack of respect
Thwart Verb Definition: to prevent (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening