Warm-up Where did the industrial revolution start? Why there? How did the enclosure movements and the domestic system connect to the Industrial Revolution
The Urban Game The story of Altmanville from sleepy little village to industrial town.
Altmanville 1700 Draw a river across your paper connecting east to west; the river should be about 1 inch wide draw a simple wooden bridge crossing the river draw 2 roads one running north to south and crossing the river at the bridge and one running from east to west. Neither road need be a straight line. Draw 10 houses 1 church 1 cemetery 1 store 1 pub 1 coalmine at least 50 trees
Round 1 1 nice home Construct a canal [this must run parallel to river]
Round 2 Add 5 houses
Round 3 Fence off an area 1X1 inches to be reserved as commons 5 houses 1 nice house
Round 4 1 factory [no smoke] this must be on the river bank since it uses water power not the canal 5 houses for workers
Round 5 15 houses 1 church 1 pub 1 store You may draw additional roads and 1 additional bridge
Round 6 5 new factories on the river bank 5 houses
Round 7 Erase 3 houses 5 Tenements
Round 8 1 store 1 pub 1 church 1 school for wealthy families [boys only] You may erase 5 trees Be sure to make the churches convenient to the worker’s houses
Round 9 5 pubs Destroy 5 houses 4 tenements
Round 10 2 special homes 1 factory 15 houses for managers You may remove trees if necessary
Round 11 10 factories—with smoke [these do not have to be on the river] Add smoke to all factories 1 nice house 5 houses 1 tenement
Round 12 1 new coal mine Replace the wooden bridge with an iron bridge 5 houses
Round 13 1 coal mine 1 cemetery
Round 14 1 major railroad connecting all factories to the coal mines [this must be one continuous track] You may build additional bridges as needed 5 houses
Round 15 1 jail 2 pubs 2 tenements
Round 16 2 hospitals 1 cemetery
Round 17 1 railroad passing east to west through the town 5 houses 1 tenement
Round 18 1 theater 1 museum 2 private schools [mark these with a P] 1 nice house
Round 19 1 cemetery 1 jail 1 hospital
Round 20 20 houses 5 tenements 2 stores 1 church 5 factories 1 pub 2 nice houses 1 special house