1st Perosh Research Exchange INRS Reciprocal issues of machine and human autonomy in an integrated workplace 1st Perosh Research Exchange
Plan Technical aspects :autonomous agents Questions raised at the human side : info. overload Questions raised at the humain side : democratic aspirations & wellbeing at work How to think and organize autonomy for workers in a new working world ? Some insights, some solutions in action
From automats autonomy to human autonomy A Swarm Machinery is all about Agents, Interactions and the Environment. What about humans ? Intelligence as an emergent feature of a set of autonomous agents
Reasons to increase agents autonomy Complexity of the environment – info overload Great evolutivity, uncertainty New collective and individual aspirations of workers
Collective Intellectual Capital in Action Buzz, media (-/+) Ex. Zappos Paprec Enlarged social environment Diversity of competences Diversity of ”sensibility” Social medias Instead of controlled communication Multiplicity of cultures 6 6
Collective Intellectual Capital in Action Wellbeing is a condition to collective efficacy Work setting could be based on high level human needs (Maslow) Basic needs should be met New processes of decision making should be implemented 7 7
New processes of decision making should be implemented Substitute to : - decision from the top - idea of democracy : majority or unanimity Avoid risks linked to big (inflated?) ego and their courtiers Avoid risk of non decision, endless discussions
Principle : Illustration : Consent decision making Decisions are made only in the absence of reasoned objections from those affected by them. To deal with complexity, group « wisdom » is +++ <> individual abilities Deliberately asking for objection invites collective intelligence Allow for harvesting information to improve decision Helps to indentify misunderstanding at an early stage
Collective intelligence in action. Some hints
Conclusion News technical evolutions < = > new organisationnal challenge The future will be different from the past It must be invented Collective intelligence is a necessity
08/12/2018 Presentation of INRS INRS Presentation 15 15