- DCP - Digital Content Portal http://dcportal.sdcoe.net/ Username: hause Password: hawks
DCP Overview: Online library including: California Streaming (video) World Book (encyclopedia articles) EBSCO (magazines and newspapers) EBSCO ebooks TeachingBooks.net (novels and nonfiction support) ebrary (full text books for teachers and parents) Open Educational Resources (OER)
DCP Log In Page Username: hause Password: hawks
World Book Resources Timeslines Early World of Learning Kids Student Discover (lower lexile) Spanish Advanced Dramatic Learning
California Streaming Playlists - create your own (share with colleagues), use “public” Videos are: Segmented Aligned to standards Suggest links to other resources Lesson plans may be available
EBSCO Includes full text magazines, newspapers, and reference tools that supports students as they develop study skills, build background knowledge, and conduct research. The grade-leveled resources include primary source documents, maps, biographies, images, and map. Articles can be: Translated into multiple languages Added to your own research folder Read aloud
Magazines on EBSCO Host To find HTML and PDF versions of magazines use EBSCO Host and click on “Publications.”
EBSCO Magazines Search for your title in the second search field
EBSCO Magazines Then choose the issue you want. HTML is the text version. PDF is the magazine version.
EBSCO EBOOKS Over 10,000 ebooks, mostly nonfiction, also including graphic novels, easy readers, picture books, young adult novels. Everything! Searchable by language (Advanced Search) Easy to read online, all students, same time Text can be annotated
TeachingBooks.net Support for fiction and nonfiction books, including: Common core aligned lesson plans Videos (author and illustrator interviews) Customized book lists Over 750 read alouds Vocabulary lists
ebrary Full text books for older students, teachers, parents Search for: ACSD (Assoc. for Curriculum and Development) NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) Common Core Use for teaching strategies and support
Other Resources Lesson Plan Support Other Programs After School Preschool School-Home Connection Tech Tools - Web 2.0 tools All resources have tutorials