Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers Objectives Define what ice breakers are Effective times to use them Safety Student assignment
They can also be used as warm-ups and topic lead-ins. What are Ice Breakers? Ice breakers are used to help participants relax and ease into meetings or trainings. They can also be used as warm-ups and topic lead-ins.
Why should I use Ice Breakers? Help participants learn each others’ names Learn personal/professional information Share information and resources Identify individual needs and goals Surface resistance Wake up people! Builds relationships Hands on learning
Effective use of Ice Breakers Group members should never be forced to participate; encourage, not require. Information that is disclosed during ice breakers must be kept confidential unless otherwise approved for sharing by group. The group leader is the role model and should participate to reduce social inhibitions.
Effective use of Ice Breakers Ice breakers are learning tools and not an end to itself. Ice breakers do not have to have formal briefings (that’s you, rigid military people). Remember, you are working with civilians! Participants should be encouraged to take risks but always keep safety in mind.
Complete risk assessment Ice Breaker Safety Complete risk assessment Give examples of risks Implement cultural competence and appropriate activities What are potential problems you might encounter if you don't?
Ice Breaker Assignment Research one ice breaker and be prepared to implement it during the Civil Operations Phase II course.
Ice Breaker Assignment Guidelines Ice breaker must be developed for adults, High School or College students. Your ice breaker will be used in the context of a coalition training (non-substance abuse related). Ice breaker will be no longer than 10 minutes. Upon completion, you will provide a debrief followed by an ice breaker objective synopsis. Your peers and instructor will provide feedback. Be prepared to identify risks.
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