Activities of the UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimization Surveys TASK FORCE, STATISTICS ON CRIME, CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND VICTIMISATION LUXEMBOURG, 17-18 OCTOBER 2006 Activities of the UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimization Surveys Paolo Valente, UNECE Statistical Division
UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimisation Surveys Objectives: to survey the countries that have undertaken (or are planning to undertake) victimization surveys and to collect information on the methods used to analyse the communalities and differences of methods used in countries and the ICVS, and to identify areas where it would be useful to recommend standards and common definitions to share experiences in the testing of methodologies and, if necessary, to launch the testing of new methods to develop methodological guidelines in the field of victimisation surveys
UNECE-UNODC Task Force on Victimisation Surveys Expected outputs: a comprehensive data inventory of victim surveys undertaken in countries and an analysis of methods used a manual on producing victim surveys
Work conducted until January 2006 (already reported to EU Task Force in March 2006) March-June 2005: Development of questionnaire July 2005: Questionnaire sent out to countries Sep.-Dec. 2005: Processing of questionnaire data and creation of 1st draft inventory: Data on about 80 surveys from more than 30 countries Nov. 2005-Jan. 2006: Preliminary analysis of results 25-27 Jan. 2006: UNECE-UNODC meeting in Vienna: Preliminary results presented and discussed Agreement on preparation of manual and common module Continue to coordinate with EU Task Force
General issues discussed at the January 2006 meeting: National priorities vs. International requirements (comparability of results across countries) Different purpose of national surveys and ICVS New manual should serve mainly national needs Common module for international comparability BUT: The way the common module is used (i.e. in a new separate survey or in an existing survey) may affect the results and therefore international comparability
Work conducted since March 2006: April-July 2006: Development by the Task Force of first draft outline for the manual Sep. 2006: Draft manual sent to participants in the Vienna meeting for comments and offers of contribution Draft outline available as room document Your comments and offers of contribution are welcome!
Draft outline - Main sections: I. Purpose of the manual II. Starting points III. Methodological issues IV. Comparability of data across countries ANNEX: Module to be included in national surveys to improve international comparability See detailed draft outline available as room document
Next steps: Oct. 2006: Finalisation of draft outline and search for contributors for remaining sections Nov. 2006-Apr. 2007: Preparation of first draft Apr. 2007: Review of first draft by Task Force May-Sep. 2007: Preparation of second draft Oct. 2007: Review of second draft at Joint UNECE-UNODC meeting
Coordination with work of EU Task Force: Inventory/database of crime surveys: Latest version of database already sent to HEUNI for further development Need to continue coordination for development of database (UNECE-UNODC take care of “non-EU” countries?) Manual/module: Need to coordinate work on common survey module EU programme could benefit from results of work on the UNECE-UNODC manual
Activities of the UNECE Task Force on Measurement of Violence Against Women: Similar objectives as TF on victim surveys, but focus on VAW: Analysis of methodology used by countries Define common concepts, identify minimum set of questions Inventory of VAW surveys created, using data from inventory of victim. surveys + additional collection on VAW surveys Analysis of VAW surveys - Results presented at UNECE meeting on gender statistics in Sep. 2006 (report available) Comparable work carried out by research network CAHRV Need to increase collaboration with research community
Conclusions: 1) Need to continue cooperation between EU and UNECE-UNODC work! Optimise resources Avoid duplication Verify timing of the two programmes 2) Manual: Your comments on the draft outline and offers of contribution are welcome! Send email to:
Thank you!