Steve turner – osab business manager OSAB Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board care forum Safeguarding update Steve turner – osab business manager
What have we been doing? Prevention Proportionality Training – Level 2 (frontline worker) and Level 3 (manager/team leader) Monitoring preventative work done by partner agencies, such as the safe and well checks carried out by Fire & Rescue (over 3,000 completed in 2017/18) Proportionality Updated thresholds document Reviewed concerns data – neglect (28.5%), Psychological (16.8%), Financial (15.2%), Physical (13.9%) and self-neglect (10%)
What have we been doing? Empowerment Governance Healthwatch Project – Feedback from those who’ve experienced safeguarding Making Safeguarding Personal work – 96% asked, 76% satisfied Governance Reviewed our membership, now include Lay Members (Family Support Network and Elmore Community Services) Vulnerable Adults Mortality Panel
How do we know it’s been effective?
How do we know it’s been effective? Drop in the overall number of concerns Improvement in concerns becoming safeguarding investigations from those agencies who have attended training (for example, Care Providers have gone from 18% conversion to 25% conversion) Over 600 consultation calls made between Sept ‘17 and March ‘18, less than 10% needed to be raised Risk remained in fewer cases than last year
What are we planning on doing? Early Help Strategies & Initiatives Improving Multi-agency Working Monitoring Key Issues Service User and Community Engagement
Consultation number 01865 328232