About the team Claire Vaughan Head of Meds Optimisation Lindsay Harper Director of Pharmacy SRFT Jim Corcoran Clinical Director for Theatres SRFT Karen Proctor Director of Commissioning Liz Walton Designated Nurse Adult Safeguarding Jennifer Bartlett Snr Clinical Pharmacist NIPPS Siobhan Farmer Public Health Consultant Elizabeth Lamerton Principal Clinical Pharmacist, SRFT
Safer Medicines Examples include There is currently a wealth of improvement work being done around medicines within the Salford economy. A review by the Head of Medicines Optimisation at SCCG and the Director of Pharmacy at SRFT identified over 20 current projects. PrISMS work (a breakthrough series collaborative in primary care) Salford standard medication safety domains Clinical pharmacists in general practice CQUINs on medicine related admissions and medicines reconciliation at discharge Safer clinical systems health foundation work EPR work Refer to pharmacy
Lagging and leading measures Key Question? Do we accurately know the number of medicines related adverse events, including acute hospital admissions, across our health economy? We have set about finding the answer so we can measure and improve
Medicines related admissions The role of the medicine in the admission was confirmed in 132/305 (43%) cases.
Leading measures 1 Medicines reconciliation within 24 hours at entry into SRFT on EAU/AAA
Leading measures 2 Medicine reconciliation at discharge to intermediate care
Leading measures 3 High risk combination medication prescribed in primary care ( NB data from previous 3/12)
Safeguarding and medicines lagging measure Salford CCG safeguarding team triage safeguarding referrals, identifying those relating to medicines 394 such events were recorded during 2016 After triage they are now reviewed by medicine optimisation team for themes, trends and learning in care homes Learning is shared at the care home provider forum Data collection and review will continue in 2017 and links made to prescribers
Integration and learning Aim: to ensure medicines are always correct at any point in the patient journey Currently measure at SRFT entry Starting to measure at intermediate care entry Starting to measure at return to primary care Starting to measure in care homes Aim: Shared understanding of safety across the health economy with medicines Health economy medicines safety group Integrated workforce
What projects are underway for transfer of medicines information? Neighbourhood Integrated Practice Pharmacists in Salford Pharmacy staff employed in intermediate care Electronic two way pharmacist referral system Improving accuracy of information regarding medicines on discharge Standardisation of medicines policies and procedures across Salford
But it is complicated!