Your Beef Checkoff Program Achieving Expenditure Compliance Contractor Guidelines & Compliance Reviews
Responsibilities of Contractors ACCOUNTABILITY Implementing, conducting and managing programs efficiently and effectively Achieving program results Spending checkoff dollars in accordance with Act & Order
CBB Guidelines for Contractors Part of BPOC contract CBB pre-approval of certain expenses USDA pre-approval of acknowledgment Expense guidelines, acknowledgment guidelines, documentation requirements
Contractor Compliance Reviews Performed during year by CBB staff Stay in constant contact with contractors Resolve issues identified quickly Proactive approach Work together to stay in compliance
Two Major Expense Types Program Direct Expenses Examples: Advertising costs Retail promotion Printed materials Agency costs Implementation Allocation of Salaries & Benefits, Admin Overhead Examples: Staff salaries Staff benefits: health insurance, pension Rent, utilities, telephone Admin expenses: HR, accounting, IT Equipment: copiers, printers, computers
Contractor Reimbursement Checkoff dollars are paid to contractors on cost-recovery basis only
2016 Beef Checkoff Contractors, Subcontractors American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture Cattlemen’s Beef Board Meat Import Council of America National Cattlemen’s Beef Association National Livestock Producers Association North American Meat Institute U.S. Meat Export Federation (subcontractor to NCBA)
Oversight of Federation Time reporting Direct expenses Overhead expenses Overhead cost allocation methodology and execution