How to cite… A Page on a Website
Author/editor. “Name of page.” Name of Site. Version number, Name of institution affiliated with the site/publisher, Date of creation of site, URL or DOI. Date of access. If the name of the site is the same as the institution affiliated with the page, list it only once after the version number.
Get the author, Name of site, version number, institution, date of creation, and URL. No author is listed. The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students No version number is listed. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum No date is listed. nts/the-holocaust-a-learning- site-for-students
Get the Name of the page and the date accessed. Timeline of Events Accessed on September 25, 2016.
“Timeline of Events. ” The. Holocaust: A Learning Site for. Students “Timeline of Events.” The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, nts/the-holocaust-a-learning- site-for-students. Accessed on 25 September 2016. Remember, italicizing is the same as underlining. Be consistent.
Your turn!
Helpful hints… Look at the top and bottom to find items such as author and version.
Helpful hints… Sometimes, a source may have a tab that assists one in citing the source. Clicking on the cite button produced this pop up. Note that there is a publisher and date of creation.
Check your citation
“Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Fire. ” History. A+E Networks,. 2009,www “Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.” History. A+E Networks, 2009, /triangle-shirtwaist-fire. Accessed on 25 September 2016.