TEACHER EVALUATION Updates August 23, 2012 General Administrative meeting BY GLENN MALEYKO, Ph.D Director of Human Resources
Evaluations 1. We are looking to pilot software (Stages) next year in 6 schools. The schools were chosen from members of the Admin and/Teacher Evaluation Committees and those that expressed interest. They include Stout, Bryant, Fordson, Miller, Maples, and Duvall a weighted rating formula will be included.
We are looking for one or two schools to pilot evaluation software in ilearn. Troy is creating the system. Please contact Troy or me directly if your school might be interested. The committee will continue to meet and will make recommendations There might be some minor changes this year to the templates
State Pilot Dearborn Applied and Was Accepted but we decided to pass on the opportunity. State committee will be piloting tools in 12 districts.
Evaluation Rep Submission and Timelines Please be timely with evaluation submissions. I emailed the timeline out. We must have this loaded with the state by the middle to end of June.
Review- Danielson I-observation technique 1. Verbatim, scripting of teacher or student comments 2. non-evaluative statements of observed teacher and student behavior. 3. Quantitative Data, time on task, assessment etc. 4. Environmental observations
PD with staff regarding evaluations Rubric brainstorm Videos on evaluations Inter rater reliability training with staff Staff walkthroughs or learning sessions. State Allocation of $350 per principal/assistant. Maybe Danielson Training through RESA or MASSP HR Website
Absence Reporting. Teachers Other Staff Admin Staff Other.
All Employee Evaluations Rob Seeterlin and Ruth Bankhead