2014 Local Action Group Workshop Policy Update Simon Mackown
EU IAS Regulation Proposal first published 9th September 2013. Key elements: Bans on the import, breeding, growing, transportation, sale or exchange, holding or releasing into the wild, of IAS of EU concern species. Identification and management of pathways of introduction and spread of IAS, including border checks. Surveillance of IAS to assist in their control or early detection. Early detection mechanisms and rapid eradication, at the early stage of invasion, where feasible and affordable. Management of widely spread IAS, including measures to assist the restoration of damaged ecosystems.
Progress to-date
UK position Key issues: Supportive Clarity of process Numerical cap Native EU species Proportionality taking into account biogeographic differences Current measures Consistency with animal and plant health regimes
EUIASR. What next?
GB Strategy Review Commenced September 2013 Six workshops with stakeholders based on the key themes of the GB strategy A further workshop with stakeholders will be held in spring 2014 to consider the provisional recommendations. There will also be a period of time after this workshop for stakeholders to make further representations Additionally, Defra has commissioned reports from two international experts on invasive non-native species. We intend to publish a revised strategy in summer 2014.
EAC Inquiry INNS Launched 12th December 2013 Terms of Reference: The principal drivers of the rising number of invasive species. The adequacy of understanding and data on invasive species, and the extent of the harm they cause, to be able to devise strategies to address them. The adequacy of the draft EU Regulation and its relevance to the situation in the UK. Written evidence submitted by 13th January. Oral evidence Feb – March.
Chelsea Flower Show
Other developments Legislative Changes BIC workshop Research