Embedded Architectures: Configurable, Re-configurable, or what? viewgraph downloading, for a link see: http://hartenstein.de Grenoble, France October 8 - 11 2002 Embedded Architectures: Configurable, Re-configurable, or what? (position statements) Reiner Hartenstein University of Kaiserslautern Re-configurable ! Pierre Paulin, STMicro (moderator); Henk Corporaal, IMEC; Reiner Hartenstein, University of Kaiserslautern; Oz Levia, Improv Systems; Marco Pavesi, Italtel; Chris Rowen, Tensilica. Thursday, Oct 10, session 5, 4.00 - 5.00 p.m.
„Re-configurable Hardware“ ?? Terminology has been highly confusing „Re-configurable Hardware“ ?? this „Hardware“ is not hard ! it‘s Morphware We need a concise terminology: a consensus is on the way 2
Terminology: DPU versus CPU ... DPA DPU: data path unit DPA: DPU array GA: gate array rDPU: reconfigurable DPU rDPA: reconfigurable DPA rGA: reconfigurable GA (r) DPU DPU instruction sequencer CPU DPU is no CPU: there is nothing central - like in a DPA 3
Digital System Platforms clearly distinguished program source running on it machine paradigm hardware (not programmable) none morphware fine grain rGA (FPGA) configware coarse grain rDPU, rDPA reconfigurable data stream processor flowware & configware anti machine data stream processor (hardwired) flowware instruction stream processor software von Neumann machine 4
flowware defines .... time port # ... which data item at which time at which port x | - input data streams DPA time port # x - | output data streams flowware manipulates the data counter(s) ... ... software manipulates the program counter 5
Configware / Flowware Compilation data streams intermediate high level source program wrapper flowware scheduler r. Data Path Array rDPA configware mapper address generator data sequencer 6
most important contributor to nano SoC we need rDPAs for: cellular wireless multimedia other applications relative merits: performance flexibility time to market product longevity key functionalities: to cope with compute requirements unstable standards multiple standards 7
Processor Performance 4G Processor Performance Algorithmic Complexity (Shannon’s Law) 3G Memory (Moore’s Law) Transistors/chip 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 100 000 000 10 000 000 1000 000 100 000 10 000 1000 100 10 1 2G 1G wireless microprocessor / DSP processor speed Normalized processor speed Normalized 8
Performance vs. Flexibility rDPAs go far beyond bridging the gap rDPA *) R. Hartenstein: ISIS 1997 rDPAs (reconfigurable computing)* DeMan [T. Claasen et al.: ISSCC 1999] MOPS / mW 1000 flexibility throughput hard- wired hardwired 100 FPGA Reconfigurable logic 10 von Neumann instruction set processors standard microprocessor DSP 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.13 0.1 0,07 µ feature size 9
cSoC for wireless communication et al. incremental dynamic reconfiguration Xtreme processing unit (XPU) from PACT rDPA http://pactcorp.com Layout for UMC 0.13 mm CMOS 10
Time to Market 11 A Fundamental Paradigm Shift in Silicon Application Revenue / month Time / months 1 10 20 ASIC Product 30 Update 1 Product Update 2 reconfigurable with download [Tom Kean] 11
END >>> END 12 © 2001, reiner@hartenstein.de http://KressArray.de University of Kaiserslautern >>> END END 12
>>> Appendix © 2001, reiner@hartenstein.de http://KressArray.de University of Kaiserslautern >>> Appendix Appendix for discussion 13
Why a dichotomy of machine paradigms? vN: unbalanced vN bottleneck stolen from Bob Colwell caches, ... data stream machine: bad message: caches do not help good message: no vN bottleneck caches not needed CPU 14
Soap Chip* Platform Template important: coarse grain morphware Configware Software S/W C/W microProg peripherals RISC, VLIW Config. MCU ASIP S/W Gen. Purp. RISC, VLIW Scalable SoC interconnect ASIC Mem Processor Standard I/O blocks ROM, Flash eSRAM eDRAM DSP C/W C/W FPGA eFPGA Standard H/W IP C/W RC rDPA *) System on a programmable Chip © 2002, reiner@hartenstein.de 15 http://hartenstein.de
Programming sources von Neumann instruction stream machine hardwired only Anti machine data stream machine flowware reconfigurable or hardwired 16
Machine paradigms von Neumann data-stream machine Flowware Software instruction stream machine Flowware Software Configware embedded memory architecture* 17
new business model needed Cost year product life cycle design cost new business model needed the key enabler: morphware 18
Glossary approaching consensus 19 digital system platforms: platform category source „running“ on platform machine paradigm hardware (not programmable) none ISP** software von Neumann morphware configware FPGA: none data stream processor (AMP*) flowware anti machine reconfigurable AMP (rAMP) flowware & configware DPU data path unit rDPU reconfigurable DPU DPA data path array (DPU array) rDPA reconfigurable DPA ISP instruction set processor AM anti machine AMP data stream processor* rAMP reconfigurable AMP *) no “dataflow machine” categories of morphware: morphware use granularity (path width) (re)configurable blocks reconfigurable logic fine grain (FPGA) (~1 bit) CLBs reconfigurable computing coarse grain (e.g. 32 bits) rDPUs (e.g. ALU-like) multi granular: by slice bundling rDPU slices (e.g. 4 bits) **) instruction set processor *) data stream processor 19