induce - verb Definition: to bring about, produce or cause Example: The child had to take medication to induce vomiting after he drank bathroom cleaner.
Soporific – adj. Definition: Causing sleep; drowsy, sleepy Example: Because he watched so many movies the night before, he was soporific during school the next day.
anarchy - noun Definition: Lawlessness; absence of government or control Example: People create utopias to prevent anarchy and chaos.
strident – adj. Definition: Making or having a harsh sound Example: It was clear that the band hadn’t practiced due to the strident sounds coming from the band room.
Definition: the position of the narrator in relation to the story Point of view noun Definition: the position of the narrator in relation to the story
Affixes: Prefix: mal Definition: bad, ill, evil, wrong Examples: malpractice, malformation, malfunction, malnutrition Suffix: -ity Definition: a state or condition or quality of being; forms nouns Examples: deformity, civility, adaptability, adoptability