TALENT PATHWAYS PROGRAM AT CAIRNS HOCKEY 2018 Reviews and Challenges and discussions for new programs in 2019 - impact on Cairns Hockey strategies and priorities
Representative Analysis
Players Represented Cairns in 2018 2 Masters Men 20 2 Masters Women 25 3 Under 18 Teams 45 4 Under 15 Teams 50 5 Under 13 Teams 75 2 Under 11 Teams 40 2 Open Teams- Hawthorn 30 Indoor and Dev Teams 45 Officials/Coaches/Umpires 50 TOTAL 380
Queensland Teams 50 QUEENSLAND REPS IN 2018 Queensland Teams Cairns Representatives Queensland Country Haylee Brodin Heather Morris Brett Borresen Daniel Pitendreigh Peter Sceresini Joshua Fowler Daniel Ginnaw Queensland Under 18 Teams and Squads Jayden Atkinson Matthew Reichardt Phoebe Nixon Layla Parker Queensland Under 15 Teams and Squads Brayden Naess Sara Cochran Aden Conlon Liv McArthur Joshua Sutton Shaylee Atkinson Connor Gordon Wes Ferns (coach) Aiden Schenk Queensland Under 13 Teams and Squads Hayden Lane Ruby McMenimen Dannan Findlay Belle Cochran Kylie McArthur – Coach and John Winkel – Manager Queensland School Sport Aidan Schenk Matthew Reichardt Zoe Van Drie Jett Moore Byron Mann Masters 14 reps in Men Teams 5 in Women’s Teams Queensland Teams 50 QUEENSLAND REPS IN 2018
Comparison – State Team Selections 2018/19 to date – Under 12- Under 21
Hockey Australia Australian Program Cairns Representative Australian Futures Squad Jayden Atkinson Australian Country Brett Borresen Haylee Brodin Heather Morris Peter Sceresini Australian Under 21 Country Daniel Pittendreigh Australian School Boys
Pathway Analysis – Qld and Australian Selections from Cairns Rep Teams
State and National Program Selections - CLUB ANALYSIS (not including masters)
Challenges at Representative Level User Pay System so limited by finance pressures - CHA implements measures to assist but no scholarships etc. Expensive sending teams away and having flexibility to ensure the team is not prejudiced with withdrawals add to the financial pressures Continually looking at ways to mitigate costs and balance opportunity Coaches/Managers and Officials usually come from the parents of the players – especially in Under11/13 and 15 Cairns Hockey Programs that offer assistance and support are readily available but not always used to best result Use Academy Programs to support the talent pathways Capacity Building within clubs are not always at the same level and we invite player/coaches within Academy Program to assist this Issues raised in 2018 have been reviewed including Cairns Teams placing at State Champs – coaching appointments and supporting pathways with new recommendations
The Way Ahead Cairns Board and Senior Staff have been working through the challenges and are finalizing a new program for 2019. This includes Creation of a High Performance Advisory Group appointed by the CHA Board to assist in oversight New Selection Policies and Guidelines to address some of the 2018 challenges and assist in the transparency and support process Confirm looking to rebuild and identify people for the future within this process 3 year plan with targets/measurement/reviews and reports will be looked discussed