Design: Institutional Municipal Level: Vice Mayer responsible for environment is the leader Implementing agency: Municipal EPB Technical group: EPB officers supported by researchers No NGOs
Implementation: Scope All major pollution: air, water, solid, noise, radiation, etc. All major industrial polluters
Implementation: Disclosure Internal disclosure and verification Formal media disclosure conferences newspapers TV Government intranet
Press Conference
Performance Change in Zhenjiang B. Formal Disclosure in July 2000 (1999 data)
Survey of Plant Managers Rating change in 2002 Improved Worsen Same 22.6% 17.5% 59.9% Actions to improve perform. since first disclosure Taken & Improved Taken but not Improved No Actions taken 57.1% 36.3% 6.6% Disclosure on actions Strong Impact Some Impact No Impact 16.3% 65.7% 18.0%
Impacts: other Society: a norm widely accepted Government Polluters Better relation with the public Better management system Polluters Efforts and institution Public Awareness and participation
Program #2: Local Government Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure Major objective: Improve the current system in order to provide stronger incentives for local environmental enforcement
Existing municipal programs: Performance evaluation system with 26 indicators Awarding titles of environmental “model city” to best performers
Proposal: Example: A simple five-grades rating system Public disclosure Example: Performance Ratings in Air Pollution Control