Homework – due Friday Read back over the “The Lottery” and look for all the examples of foreshadowing that you can find. Examples could include direct quotations that someone said, objects, names, etc. Find at least 10! Begin to think about what the deeper meaning of the story might be. Come prepared to write about and discuss this on Friday.
Quick Write Explain your initial reaction to the ending of “The Lottery.” How did it make you feel? What were your thoughts? Did the clues along the way help you predict that Tessie would be stoned, or were you surprised?
Objective Today, students will be able to: - analyze irony and symbolism in “The Lottery”; and - take an interpretive stance on the story using textual evidence.
What is Irony? Irony is the contrast between expectation and reality— between what is said and what is really meant, between what is expected to happen and what really does happen, or between what appears to be true and what is really true.
The Irony of the Setting How is the setting of “The Lottery” ironic? Explain.
The Irony of the Title How is the title of “The Lottery” ironic? Explain.
What is Symbolism? Symbolism occurs when an author uses a person, place, thing or event that stands both for itself and for something beyond itself. Many symbols have become so widely recognized that they have become public symbols. For example…
A heart
A cross
A cross and skull bones
An American flag
What symbols do you see at work in “The Lottery”? Page # Description of Symbol Explanation of Significance
Symbolism & Foreshadowing Think back over the symbols you selected. In what ways do these symbols provide clues or hints to what will happen next? What effect do these symbols have on us as readers?
One Story, Many Interpretations There are many different ways you could interpret, or explain the meaning of, “The Lottery.” Meaning is created in literature as much by the author as by the reader.
The lottery as Allegory An allegory may be defined as: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. a symbolic narrative.
One Story, Many Interpretations Some possible interpretations include… Obscure (and often barbaric) rituals govern our daily lives. Tradition trumps reason. The ancient idea that one must suffer so that everyone else might live still persists today. Why? The power of conformity and the human capacity for brutality, hypocrisy, and evil knows no bounds. Consider historical context (Holocaust, A-bomb, etc.)