Our Mathlesson about PPT by Carl and Yoma
INFORMATION 100ct: 1€ 1000ct: 10€ 10000ct: 100€
ORDER OF OPERATION Adding: 45,07€ +51,60€ subtacting: 1362,99€ - 989,64€ Multiplication: 5,37€x3,72€ Divison: 5€:30€=
The CUS system Many students have difficulties with wordproblems when it comes to combine informations like numbers and words. But with this easy acronum it will help you not getting confused. Color the question Underline the important info Strike through the unneeded info
ENGLISH WORDPROBLEMS Maria lend 415,00€ from her dad for a new Laptop, 360,00€ from her grandmother for new clothes, 34,50€ from her sister for a trip tot he cinema. She gets 1025,00€ birthdaymoney. If she uses the money to pay back her family, will the money be enough? Can she still buy a new fake beats for 25,99€? How much will she have left ? Maths: 415,00+360,00+34,50=809,50 1025-809,50=215,50
Write this on to your Whiteboard What is the answer???
HOW ABOUT A QUIZ How many cents are in a euro ? How many cents are there in 132 000 € ? The answere is 100 cents The answere is 132 000 00
STARTER Write these summs in order, starting with the smallest 72ct 2.07€ 7.20€ 2.70€ 2.70€ 0.27€ Write the answer here: