NJAS’ Important Bird and Birding Areas (IBBA) Program Site-based conservation Science-based criteria/priorities Community involvement promotes local stewardship & advocacy Informs policy and encourages action from stakeholders 117 IBAs in NJ
18,500 acres composed of wetlands, agricultural lands, rural development under various types of ownership = private to industry SALEM COUNTY IBA CRITERIA: Recognized as an IBA b’c supports imperiled species of birds: BAEA, PB Grebe, King Rail, Least bittern Salt Marsh/Wetland dependant species for which NJ is responsible for maintaining Supports large numbers of migratory waterfowl and significant concentrations of Caspian Tern and Pectoral Sandpiper Conservation plan developed and beginning to implement with cooperation from landowners, community leaders, the mayor, and grants from habitat incentive programs Goals: improve water quality, increase quality of riparian habitat, restore wetlands and grassland habitat, maintain agricultural character, engage community throughout process
Implementing the IBA Model – The Mannington Meadows IBA Site Protection & Advocacy Farm Bill & Farmland Preservation TDR Study – ERI Threat Assessment Land Acquisition POLICY Education Community Involvement Partnerships Flow Chart – DEMONSTRATE WHAT WE ARE DOING IN MANNINGTON AND WILL REPREAT AT OTHER IBAS THINK OF IBA model AS an iterative process that links science, policy and management in way that each informs the others SCIENCE MANAGEMENT Implementing Conservation Plan/Conservation Actions Riparian Restoration Grassland Management Site Identification Identify Priorities Develop Conservation Plan Monitoring Habitat Stewardship Assess Management Impacts