Extended Project (EPQ)
What is the EPQ? An individually chosen & designed project based on the student’s areas of study and interest that will develop learning & research skills, raise subject knowledge & motivate students. It cannot duplicate anything that is taught in other areas of your curriculum. It can be: a written research topic an artefact a performance There will be a programme of taught skills and then you will have a supervisor who is timetabled each week to monitor/support you.
What will I be assessed on? There are three required elements; Project product (the report/artefact/performance) Production log (paperwork) Presentation (to a small audience)
The Research Report It is up to the student to choose whether to make a research report the sole product of the Project or to create a product in another format, such as a production or artefact. If it is the sole product, the research report could take the form of an academic essay, research report of an investigation, exploration of a hypothesis, or academic report. If the product takes another format, the student will still need to supply a shorter supplementary research report. At Level 3 EPQ, the approximate length of these must be: Research report – 5000 words or Supplementary research report – 1000 words (min).
What’s it worth? The EPQ Level 3 carries UCAS points as follows: A* 28 B 20 C 16 D 12 E 8
What do universities think? If you have completed the EPQ, some admissions tutors may make two alternative offers..(eg either AAA at A level or AAB at A level plus Extended Project) University of Bristol Applicants presenting the Extended Project are encouraged to discuss their research in their personal statement and reflect on how undertaking the project will help prepare them for studying their chosen degree at Warwick. Where a department typically makes offers which include a fourth subject at AS level the Extended project will normally be considered in lieu of this requirement. University of Warwick