Quebec’s Independence Movement


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Presentation transcript:

Quebec’s Independence Movement

In 1867, a new country was formed  In 1867, a new country was formed. Four colonies were joined together: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. They formed the beginning of Canada

The French Colonists settled in an area of Canada known as Quebec. In this area they spoke French and lived off the farmland.

When Canada became independent from Great Britain, the French Canadians also joined the new country. The two main nationalities in the new country were French and English. The question was could the cultures get along? Most of the French people in Quebec lived off the land. Very few were businessmen. Many of the Scots and English in Quebec were involved in business and government.

The French Canadians had a very different culture than the English Speaking Canadians. The Catholic Church was very powerful in these regions and promoted the traditional way of life on farms and in small villages.

In 1914 World War I began, and Canada sent soldiers and supplies to fight along with the British who were fighting Germany.

This became known as the Quiet Revolution. Many French Canadians disagreed with Canada joining World War I. Many of the French Canadians families had lived in Quebec for hundreds of years and had very little ties to England. The war made many of the French Canadians feel that the rest of Canada did not care about them. An idea began to spread… Quebec should become it’s own country! This became known as the Quiet Revolution.

The Quiet Revolution spread, and by 1968, a Quebec Nationalists party had started, known as the party Québécois. Life for the French Canadians had changed, with many leaving their traditional farms and moving into the cities. (Rural Urban) The Québécois felt that their culture would be lost in the English Canadian culture The only way to preserve the “French way of life” was for Quebec to secede from Canada.

Arguments FOR Quebec Separatism: “Quebec is a region with its own distinct economy, language, and culture, and should therefore be allowed to have its own independent political system."

Arguments AGAINST Quebec Separatism: "No Canadian province, not even Quebec, has the right unilaterally to declare itself independent."

Both times: the people of Quebec choose to remain part of Canada. Since the idea of an independent Quebec developed in 1960, there have been two votes held in Quebec to determine whether or not the people wished to secede First in 1980 and again in 1995 Both times: the people of Quebec choose to remain part of Canada.

The 1995 vote was the closest, with 49 The 1995 vote was the closest, with 49.4 percent of the people voting to secede while 50.6% voted to stay Canadian. 94% of all residents of Quebec showed up to participate in referendums.

Create a bumper sticker voicing your opinion on the topic Homework Choose a side Should Quebec remain part of Canada? Should Quebec become a separate country within Canada? Create a bumper sticker voicing your opinion on the topic Make it colorful! Make it catchy! Make someone want to put it on their car!