Amazing German Shepherds Cash Goodwin May 7,2018
German Shepherds have a unique appearance They are 24 to 26 inches tall. Also, they weigh up to 75 to 95 lbs. German Shepherds’ usual color is tan with black.
German shepherds also have many interesting behaviors They are very aggressive. They were originally made for herding sheep. They also love getting petted!
German shepherds can save lives They have very senses, and that means they can sniff people to sense danger. They also are very strong so that they can pull people out of water if they are drowning.
German shepherds also have other names Alsatian wolf dog. Berger allemande. Deustscher Schafer Hund.
German shepherds are used a lot For disability. Assistance. Search, rescue. Police, and military roles.
Bibliography Fiedler, Julie. German Shepherd dogs. New York: The Rosen Publishing group’s, 2006. Print.