POSTER TITLE Authors: Affiliation: Template Please use this template as a guide to help you produce a clear and effective poster. You will need to consider the following restrictions when laying out your poster. Design restrictions The Charles Sturt University logo cannot be modified and must be in the top right hand corner of the poster. The size and proportions of the logo must NEVER be altered. If another logo needs to be added to the poster it must be placed inside this white box and never up next to the CSU logo. Approval from the Division of Marketing should be sought when additional logo/s are to be included. Please maintain the design elements on the master page as this will ensure all CSU posters look like part of a suite. There are no restrictions on the layout/design inside the white box but the below suggestions will ensure you have a cohesive look that is easy to read and well branded. Design suggestions It is best to limit the amount of different colours used in a poster. CSU’s official colours are red, charcoal, taupe, orange and mushroom. (RED R196, G38, B46), (CHARCOAL R65, G65, B65), (TAUPE R119, G111,B101), (ORANGE R224, G82, B6), (MUSHROOM R203, G199, B191). Of course you can also use black and white. CSU preferred font is Arial. The use of this fonts will ensure that your poster will look professional and tie into the CSU brand. Images should NEVER be taken from the internet. These images are low quality and will look pixelated (blurry) when printed. There may also be copyright issues. The size of the font / type you use will be determined by how much text you need to fit on the poster and at what distance people will be viewing it. We suggest you make the font at least 30pt for body copy ,and no larger then 100pt for headings. Please take time to proof your text. I need help! If you have any concerns, queries or problems when making your poster please contact SPAN (6933 2004 / 6933 2165). Tables and graphs All tables and graphs should be coloured using the official CSU colours as shown in this example (top right). I’m finished now I need to get this printed.... If a logo other than the CSU logo is included, please forward to for logo approval prior to printing. Once your poster is finalised, visit and fill out the print request form. You can submit your poster either by email, to S-drive if a research student or CSU staff member, or in person (i.e. Thumb drive, CD, etc.). You will be contacted by a SPAN staff member to arrange final printing details. Notice of at least one week is appreciated. Contact details Phone: Email: