3rd Grade St. ANN catholic school Back to School Night 3rd Grade St. ANN catholic school
Classroom Rules and Expectations 1. Be respectful of others at all times. 2. Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. 3. Keep hands, feet, and personal belongings to yourself. 4. Stay in assigned seat and raise your hand to speak. 5. Be prepared for class (be on time, have materials and assignments).
Positive Rewards Class Dojo Rewards VIP seat Happy Notes Home
Behavior Management We use Class Dojo. If a student is displaying behavior that shows consistent modeling of class rules or goes above and beyond what is expected, they earn Dojo Points. They might get a positive note home in their assignment book. If a student is displaying behavior that does not follow the classroom rules or known expectations he/she will lose Dojo points and might get a note home in their assignment book.
Friday Folders All classwork that goes home in the Friday Folder can be kept at home. All Tests need to be signed and returned on Monday morning. The tests will not be stamped “sign and return,” but know that if it is in the Friday folder it needs to be signed and returned on Monday.
Homework 1. The children are responsible for writing their own assignments and making sure they have all of their homework materials. 2. We encourage children to ask for help when needed in doing their homework. 3. We ask you to check your child’s assignment book and completed homework. 4. The children are held accountable for doing and returning all of their homework every day. 5. If your child forgets their homework, please do not bring it up to school. He/she can bring it the following day. 6. Homework will also be posted on my Teacher Page
Communication I try to check emails a couple of times during the day, but can’t always respond right away. I will email you back within 24 hours. I will post my Newsletter each week to let you know what we will be learning that week, upcoming events, and important concepts that you can review with your child.
Tests Word Study test every week consisting of 20 words. We will have chapter or unit tests in Religion, Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Reading skills are evaluated on an ongoing basis, not necessarily after a particular story or skill. Scantron- As soon as I receive the Scantron testing schedule, I will email you so you can plan accordingly.
Thanks for Coming! Drive Safely!