Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat School-Based Implementation Coaching Bev Kohzadi & Sheila Thurman An Overview Think/Pair/Share What the best coaching experience you have had? What was its impact? Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat The SBIC Professional Learning Module Provides an initial understanding of SBIC Offers a general framework for coaching Can be adapted to meet district/building needs This professional learning module is an overview of School-Based Implementation Coaching. Its purpose is to provide an initial understanding of SBIC, its benefits, and a general framework for coaching. Additional staff development designed to address specific coaching needs of districts/buildings will follow this introductory module of SBIC. Coaching is an aspect of professional development focused on improving practice in the applied context. Coaching is a learning relationship in which guided reflection, modeling, guided practice, and learning strategies for improvement occur. The intent of this module is to provide prospective coaches with knowledge, tools., and modeling to help enhance implementation of MMD Effective Educational Practices in their school/disctrict. Additional training may be provided to schools for specific coaching needs. Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What is School-Based Implementation Coaching (SBIC)? Process to improve instructional practice Non-evaluative Collaborative Solution-oriented Learner-centered School-Based Implementation Coaching (SBIC) is a non-evaluative process in which two or more professional colleagues work together for the purpose of improving instructional practice in the applied context. The process involves a collaborative relationship, trusting culture, a clear purpose, and an agreed upon format which is solution-oriented and learner-centered. Getting Started with MMD
Format of Professional Learning □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Teacher Transfer Rate Workshop/ Training & Modeling Workshop/ Training, Modeling, & Practice Workshop/ Training, Modeling, Practice, & Feedback Workshop/Training, Modeling, Practice, Feedback, & Peer Coaching Format of Professional Learning 95% 10% 13% 19% 16% Why SBIC? The SBIC professional learning module emphasizes the impact of peer coaching. (Transfer of skill to classroom increases by a phenomenal rate.) References: Joyce, B. R., & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (Adapted from: Joyce & Showers, 2002) Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Integrates best coaching practices Elena Aguilar Jim Knight Robert Marzano Mike Rutherford Pam Robbins Diane Sweeney The SBIC professional learning module is evidence based and integrates best coaching practices (considerations) from experts such as Elena Aguilar, Jim Knight, Robert Marzano, Mike Rutherford, Pam Robbins, and Diane Sweeney and others. Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat What is the Coaching Focus? Effective Educational Practices Foundations Collaborative Teams Common Formative Assessment Data-Based Decision Making Effective Teaching and Learning Practices Developing Assessment Capable Learners Metacognition Effective Context / Capacity Building Leadership School-Based Implementation Coaching Collective Teacher Efficacy SBIC is for coaching Effective Educational Practices (EEP). These include collaborative teams, common formative assessment, data-based decision making, effective teaching and learning practices (Developing Assessment Capable Learners and Metacognition), leadership, SBIC, and CTE. Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Learning Targets I am learning to: Understand the purpose and benefits of School-Based Implementation Coaching Develop and maintain coaching relationships Provide effective feedback Develop a strategic and differentiated coaching plan Use solution dialogue Progress monitor implementation of effective educational practices To Know/To Say: The learning targets include the essential functions from the SBIC Practice Profile. This alignment will provide consistency. Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Practice Profile The SBIC module was developed using Backward Design, starting with the Practice Profile. The coaching process is directly aligned with the 5 essential functions on the SBIC Practice Profile. (Slide shows only 3 of the 5 Essential Functions. See PP handout.) Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat The SBIC module provides a chance for prospective coaches to reflect on their current practices while providing research based coaching strategies and processes that can be used and adapted to individual school situations. Opportunities are provided for modeling and in-depth interaction/role playing / mock scenarios with each of the 5 Essential Functions on the PP that reflect the coaching process: Develop and maintain coaching relationships Provide effective feedback Develop a strategic and differentiated coaching plan Use solution dialogue Progress monitor implementation of effective educational practices Getting Started with MMD
Getting Started with MMD □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat The SBIC module provides an opportunity for prospective coaches to actually engage in the coaching process by assessing with the Practice Profile, identifying an area needing growth, developing a plan based on data and evidence, and determining a mode to monitor progress. Getting Started with MMD
Format of Professional Learning □ 7:00a Breakfast □ 8:00a Welcome □ 8:30a Orientation □ 9:00a Getting Started with MMD □ 10:00a Break □ 10:20a Getting Started (cont) □ Noon Lunch & Collaboration Wed 05.30.2018 @MoModelDistricts #MMDChat Workshop/ Training & Modeling Workshop/ Training, Modeling, & Practice Workshop/ Training, Modeling, Practice, & Feedback Workshop/Training, Modeling, Practice, Feedback, & Peer Coaching Format of Professional Learning Teacher Transfer Rate 95% 10% 13% 19% 16% Commitment to the success of all students and to improving the quality of instruction. Where is your district now with teacher transfer of Effective Educational Practices? Where do you want to be with this process? How will you get there? References: Joyce, B. R., & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (Adapted from: Joyce & Showers, 2002) Getting Started with MMD