Enlight #8: Enlightened Despots Divide government into groups with separate powers Freedom of speech Equality Natural rights of life, liberty, and property Absolute monarchy Education leads to better opportunities End death penalty Rousseau Voltaire Locke Wollstonecraft Montesquieu Hobbes Beccaria
Due Dates: DUE FRI: #4 – Intro to Character (PR) MON: Quiz & Chart #5 Answers to questions (Actor) #6 Questions for other characters (Philosophe) MON: Quiz & Chart Wed: Le Grand Salon: Must be here and prepared: Prepared to speak – how to pronounce names Content of your answers – Specific evidence & quotes from character Analysis of your character’s views – does NOT just repeat my notes
Can you have a good dictator?
Serf Does a serf have equality? Farm workers bound to the land & their masters Lowest level of the feudal hierarchy Does a serf have equality?
Enlightened Despots Despots (dictators) who incorporated some of the Enlightenment ideals
Frederick the Great Prussia Reforms: Weaknesses: Religious freedom Ended torture Weaknesses: Did not change social classes or end serfdom
Joseph II Austria Reforms: Weaknesses: Religious freedom for Protestants and Jews Ended serfdom Weaknesses: All of this was undone after his death
Catherine the Great Russia Power: Very well educated, well read Overthrew her husband Very well educated, well read Corresponds with Diderot & Voltaire Reforms: Proposed freedom of religion and ending torture & serfdom Russian lawmakers meet but do NOT agree to this proposal
Catherine the Great Weakness: Takes over other countries, like Poland Crush a serf uprising and give support to nobles Takes over other countries, like Poland Encourages education & arts
Hmmm…. Answer on Left How were enlightened despots different from other rulers (like Louis XIV, the Sun King)? Who was the most enlightened (progressive) despot? Why? Who was the most despotic (dictator-like)? Why?
Present for Le Grand Salon Intro: Need a Hook to grab audience’s attention Answering questions: include specific evidence and number it or organize in a way that is easy to follow (An absolute monarch is the best form of govt for 3 reasons. First, …)
What to do… Work on #4, 5 (in 1st person), or 6 MLA Format on Google Docs Use in-text citations for quotes, statistics, or close paraphrasing TEXTBOOK: (Beck, 166). If you finish, help your philosophe w/questions Do #7, 8, or 9 (divide up roles as a group) Works Cited must include all resources given in class + at least one more additional source
Impact of the Enlightenment Belief in progress: science & reason can lead to a better society Secular (non-religious) outlook: Importance of the Individual: no longer need a king to guide them