Sarah Knuth -- -- ext. 2390 A Peek at Next Week in… Mrs. Knuth’s Class January 9th Reminders -Students are still forgetting to bring shoes. This is vital here at Athlos as the students spend a lot of time in Athletic Movement class and doing movement breaks. Math We will be starting unit 4! Unit four is all about measuring using different tools. Reading We will continue unit 3 and focus on reading with the correct pace and understating author’s special words and literary language. Please be watching what your child brings for snack. If you need healthy, quick snack suggestions, please let me know! Word Study We will do speed sorts, blind sorts, partner sorts, playdough words, and all sorts of sorts! Writing We will do a little bit of poetry and a little bit of opinion! Upcoming Events -January 13th – Crazy Hair/Mismatch Day -MLK January 16th *No school 16th – 17th -January 27th – MN Sports Day or Family History Day Social Studies We will continue Community Helpers as well as some about Martin Luther King, Jr. Sarah Knuth -- -- ext. 2390